Enjoy This Moment. Part 2

Hello. I have had such an incredible response since posting part 1 of this fictional story. Thank you for reading. 

I lose yet another fight with sleep. Morning is mocking me.

I sit, have a sip of water, take in the air and watch two ducks paddle together in the pond opposite me.  Running gives me a high, which takes me away from here. It’s been weeks since I have seen her. My heart is beating faster, i feel ill. I tell myself to get up and walk. Running though the park, memories of visiting Nepal capture my thoughts. I have always enjoyed travelling; making new friends, exploring alien places, encountering new situations, all bring a certain sense of thrill that i’ve yet to discover in other aspects of life.

I don’t want to go to the theatre anymore, or to Edinburgh or even to that bar. These were things I wanted to do with her, which never materialised. Instead i want to explore Chile and survey the streets of Santiago. I draw up a list of places i want to see, and book for the next day. All ready, i’ve packed, my passport is in hand, my terminal is opposite me. At last, I feel excitement with some real conviction. I’m going exploring.

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